Available in 3 sizes
1QT, 1GL, 2.5GL
Liquid Fish & Kelp is an all-purpose natural-based liquid fertilizer made from hydrolyzed fish protein and a concentrated extract of cold water Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed. It is an ideal option for all types of vegetables, herbs, fruits, vines and ornamentals. Liquid Fish & Kelp provides three plant macronutrients for vigorous and productive plants.
0.55% Nitrate Nitrogen
1.39% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
0.06% Water Insoluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 4.0%
Derived from:
Fish Protein Hydrolysate Stabilized with Phosphoric Acid, Kelp Extract (Ascophyllum nodosum), Potassium Sulfate and Sodium Nitrate.
Listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute for use in organic production.
Shake Well Before Using
DTE Liquid Fish & Kelp is most effective as a soil drench and is designed for plants grown in garden soils, potting soils or soilless media. Filtered through 200 mesh screen for easy application. Check equipment manufacturer’s specifications for particle size and compatibility requirements.
Soil Drench:
Use ¼ -½ cup (2-4 oz) per gallon of water OR 2.5-5 gallons per acre. Apply around the base of plants, at the drip line of trees or through an irrigation system. Begin applications when planting, transplanting or anytime during active root development. Repeat application twice monthly or as needed.
Use 2-4 Tbsp (1-2 oz) per gallon of water depending on size of plant and growth pattern desired. For rapid growing plants, use stronger rate. Repeat application with each regular watering or as needed.
Use 2 Tbsp (1 oz) per gallon of water. Apply solution around the base of plants. Repeat application every two weeks in spring and summer and once a month in fall and winter.