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Available in 3 sizes

1LB Box, 5LB Box, 15LB Box

bring out buds, blooms and beauty in your gardens

Flower Garden is for all the gardeners who don’t want to let their veggies have all the fun! Its high phosphorus formula is designed to bring out buds, blooms and beauty in your spring and summer gardens. Of course it’s also got all of the other high quality and blend fortifying ingredients you’ve come to expect from Down To Earth! We’ve added an extra helping of potassium and magnesium plus just enough nitrogen to keep the flower picking party going all season long. Use Flower Garden to keep your annuals, bulbs and perennials happy and bursting with fabulous and fragrant flowers.

0.2% Water Soluble Nitrogen
1.8% Water Insoluble Nitrogen




1% Water Soluble Magnesium


Derived from:

Fish Bone Meal, Potassium Sulfate, Magnesium Sulfate, Alfalfa Meal, Rock Phosphate, Basalt, Langbeinite and Seaweed Meal

Listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute for use in organic production.

3.5 cups ≈ 1 lb; ½ cup ≈ 2 oz; 1 tbsp ≈ 0.5 oz

Roses and Perennials

For new transplants, add ½-1 cup per hole, mix into soil and water in well. To feed established plants, side dress ¼-½ cup per plant, depending on plant size and desired growth rate, once each month during the growing season.


For new plantings, add 1-2 tbsp per gallon of soil and mix thoroughly OR add 5-10 lbs per cubic yard. For established plants, lightly mix 1-2 tbsp per gallon into the soil surface once each month during the growing season.

Flower Gardens and Raised Beds:

To prepare new gardens, apply 2.5-5 lbs per 100 square feet and thoroughly mix into the top 3″ of soil. For new transplants, add 1-2 Tbsp per hole, mix into soil, add transplant, fill in with soil and water in well. To feed established plants, side dress 2-4 oz, depending on plant size and desired growth rate, once each month during the growing season.


When planting, add 2-4 Tbsp per hole, mix into soil, and water in well.